Are you currently doing the ketogenic diet or planning to do so?
I highly recommend that you adopt meal planning before starting the diet or start now when you’ve been struggling with the keto diet.
Why? Because planning is the first step to success!

The ketogenic diet can be difficult to maintain for some people, especially when they are eating out a lot. And the keto diet is non-forgiving.
Had a little bit too much milk in your cappuccino?
Well, there goes your ketosis.
That can seriously suck and due to the nature of how ketosis works, one little mistake can set you back several days.

A good way to prevent such mistakes is to plan for them.
You now that you will meet a good friend on Wednesday and you are going to visit a café that doesn’t offer keto-friendly milk alternatives?
It’s not the end of the world. Just keep in mind how much cow milk you will probably gonna end up drinking and adjust your remaining meals for the day accordingly.
One medium cappuccino has about 7-8g of carbs. And one cappuccino won’t kick you out of ketosis.

But those mistakes don’t only happen when you go out, sometimes you just ate too many carbs because you didn’t pay attention. For example berries.
They are an awesome low-carb fruit source for people on the keto diet, but only in moderation.
Boy, I kicked myself out of ketosis several times because I just couldn’t get enough of them and didn’t pay attention to how much I was eating.

To avoid those mistakes, I made a keto meal planner.
Planning ahead can help you SO much when you want to lose weight and stay in ketosis.
We aren’t well equipped to correctly judge how many carbs or calories we’ve eaten, and planning beforehand can help you do exactly that.

You can download the keto meal planner below completely FREE. No newsletter sign-up, no hidden payment requests.
The only thing I ask you to do if you like the keto meal planner is to share it with your friends on Pinterest or Facebook – because sharing is caring ♥︎.

How to use the keto meal planner:

B: Breakfast
L: Lunch
D: Dinner
S: Snacks

1. Take the time to think about the keto-friendly meals you want to make during the following week.
Calculate the calories and carbs per serving (Most food blogs also add the nutritional info for their recipes). Add them to your meal planner. (Don’t forget to account for snacks too! A bulletproof coffee also has calories, even though it’s keto-friendly!)
Estimate the number of calories and carbs for that day and write it down.

2. Check off your water intake for the day!
Drinking enough water is very important when you do the ketogenic diet. It should be your goal to check off all three boxes by the end of the day. This will assure you are properly hydrated.
(Also only an estimate, some people may even need more or less water. If you do a workout, you also need more!)

3. Notes: Write down thoughts about your diet. Got joint pain? Maybe you need to eat less meat and more leafy greens. Have problems with constipation? Maybe you need to increase your fiber intake. Write down your problems or feelings and analyze what you could do better.

4. Groceries: Write down stuff you need for next weeks meals!

BTW, a short disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or certified nutritionist. Before starting any new diet or exercise program, check back with your doctor and evaluate if it is safe to do so. You are responsible for your own choices regarding your health.

Looking for keto recipes to fill your keto meal planner?
I made a bunch of those, check them out here.

If you want to stay up to date and see my new posts, follow me on Pinterest! Keto Ice Cream Recipes Pinterest Board:


Save for later! ♥︎

Hey! I’m so glad you’re here!
Have fun and leave a comment if you have any questions!


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